EAEC specializes in and maintains a first-class network of contacts & talent in ICT, infrastructure, aerospace, energy, biotech, and hospitality in the US and Europe, private organizations, and public regulatory entities. EAEC is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network, and the SF Chapter is part of the ENRICH in the USA soft-landing network, acting as a contact point in Silicon Valley for NGI Enricher fellows to accelerate their access to the US market through collaboration and pilot.
Department: San Francisco Chapter
Homepage: https://www.eaecouncil.com
E-mail: storre@eaecouncil.com
We are a private sector organization and we plan to involve academic partners
- Looking for: Innovators/Entrepreneurs
- Track: Open Ideas,Paired Teams
Preferred hosting duration: No preference
Maximum number of fellows to be hosted by the organization simultaneously : 5